The People of Astelyn & Beyond

The original inhabitants and rulers of Eltrana who have populated almost every corner of Astelyn until other races began to lay claim to various territories. An elf can live endlessly with the aid of herbs and potions. However, only those of the royal blood can hide their true age. The most common death among elves are assassinations and murder. Elves who’ve lived productive lives within the gentry or court may live to the age of 600 before they meet an untimely death at the end of a dagger or sip of poisoned wine. 


An original inhabitant of the Astelyn Plane and close allies with the elves since written history. Orcs come in many shapes, sizes, and colors; however, the average Orc can range from six feet to seven and half feet tall and have dark to light complexions. Like the Elves, Orcs have their own language and occasionally interject certain phrases into the common vernacular of Astelyn. Orcs tend to have a short lifespan; however, this is due in part to many Orcs dying during territorial wars. The oldest Orc ever recorded to live was the old mystic Urag Ulumpha, who lived to the old age of 550 before falling on the battlefield during the Territory Wars of Gorlag’s Maw.


The last original inhabitants of Astelyn, the Humans are almost as old as the elves sharing an ancestral line that goes back millions of years. It is still unsure who came first, the elves or humans. This is a subject for heated debate among scholars; but both races have many more similarities than differences. After their liberation from servitude, humans were allowed to settle in the southern regions of Eltrana and given the same liberties as elves within the kingdom.


While energie is unruly and hard to control, there are those among the world who can use its power to manipulate their reality and make their will known. Mages are energie users who may have mastery over a singular energie, such as fire or ice; their reserves of energie are extremely limited. Warlocks may control two or more energies, though they may rely on one more than another. They have a slightly larger pool of energie at their disposal. Archons are the most skilled and dangerous energie users in all the world. These energie users are masters of every single energie known to date. With enough training, a warlock may become an Archon, but instances such as that are few and far between.

Energie Users

The first of Xodiria to breach the Astelyn Plane. The Urthix are winged creatures that look like the Elf, but are much stronger and larger in stature. Unlike the Elf, Urthix must consume fresh blood in order to maintain their strength. Urthix are also obligate carnivores, meaning most their diet must be meat. Their wings resemble those of a bat and are their largest extremities, with the average male Urthix having a wingspan of about 18 feet in length. Many believe that the average Urthix lifespan is about the same as Elf; however, this has not been fully observed. 


The third original inhabitant of Astelyn are halflings. Halflings are shorter than the average human or elf and are stockier than both. They are typically well versed in arithmetic, literature, and other cerebral aspects of the world. Many occupy themselves as mediators within human/elf councils, while others are stewards, shopkeepers, or accountants for wealthy merchants. Some say that the Halfling has all the wisdom of an elf and the tenacity of a human. Halflings have a lifespan of 400 years but can live far longer under the right conditions.


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