Rebecca Rayne Rebecca Rayne

Big things have small beginnings…

It all begins with an idea.

Introductions are probably the best way to start, so here goes!

Hi, my name is Rebecca Lynn, otherwise known as RL. I’m the author of Mægrus Rise of Rebels and creator of The Chasmwalker Chronicles. I know it may sound far fetched but the idea of Astelyn, Sylvi, Kain, Orrin, the Chasm came about when I was fifteen years old. About a decade later, and after many rewrites, I’ve put those maladaptive daydreams into a cohesive story of which I hope you all like! This brings to mind a quote from Lawrence of Arabia “big things have small beginnings,” I never would have thought that I would actually write a book. I’ve written plenty of short stories since as long as I could remember but to actually write a book with a already a second installment in the works still boggles my mind.

I have many in my life that I am thankful for, you know who you are if you’re reading this.

Now I’m not sure how this blog is going to go. I like to think of myself as a pantser writer so I can’t promise that this will be a constant blog, but I’ll try. As a pantser writer I don’t necessarily have a set plot that I’ve outlined (and this can also be applied to other aspects of my life). While I have a general idea and ultimate end game, I generally allow my characters to develop the world on their own, in a way they are their own organic being by which I write through (if that makes any sense).

Now that book one of the Chasmwalker Chronicles is out in circulation, I’ve begun writing the second installment, Revena Of Promises Made and Broken, which is a continuation of where we left Sylvi and the rest of our wayward heroes. As I continue writing I’ll log my thoughts on the writing process here and include some fun little tidbits along the way. I hope you all join me for what I hope is interesting ride.

As Always,

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